Crisis is a thrilling crime movie that delves into the opioid crisis and the dangerous undercover operation to take down a drug smuggling ring. The story follows three interconnected narratives: a recovering drug addict seeking revenge for her sister's death, an architect turned whistleblower who uncovers a conspiracy within a major pharmaceutical company, and a professor who becomes an undercover informant for the RCMP. As the characters navigate the murky world of drug addiction, they must race against time to expose the truth and bring justice to those responsible.
An underground fighting circuit run by an international crime syndicate invades a retired MMA champion's small, idyllic island hometown. Syndicate thugs brutally assault his wife and kill his best friend, leaving him with no other choice but to fight for justice.
In the movie 'Sorted', a young customs officer gets involved in drug use and the murder of his brother, leading him down a dangerous path. With the help of a talented lawyer, he uncovers a dark conspiracy involving abduction and a notorious drug ring. Set in the vibrant nightlife of London, this techno-filled thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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