Little Murders is a dark comedy that takes place in New York City during the 1970s. It follows the story of a photographer named Alfred and his relationships with various eccentric characters. The film explores themes of apathy, senseless killing, and the circle of violence that exists in urban environments. As the story unfolds, Alfred finds himself becoming a part of the crime spree that plagues the city, leading to a tragic ending.
Camille, a war photographer, travels to the Central African Republic to document the civil war. She finds herself caught in the midst of the conflict, facing challenges such as language barriers and escalating violence. Through her photographs, she captures the atrocities of the war, but also experiences personal loss and tragedy. Based on a true story, Camille's journey showcases the bravery and idealism of a female photojournalist in a war-torn country.
Around the Block is a drama film set in New South Wales, Australia. The story follows an idealistic woman who becomes a teacher and forms a bond with an Aboriginal student. The film explores themes of racial discrimination, stereotypes, and the struggles faced by low-income communities. The protagonist's life is further complicated by her estranged father's imprisonment and her involvement with a crime family. As she navigates these challenges, the film examines the impact of love, revenge, and the power of the arts to inspire change.
In the 1930s, Rachel Cade, a sexually repressed woman, becomes a Christian missionary in Central Africa. She is assigned to a remote village where she struggles to gain the trust of the locals and provide medical care. Along the way, she forms a complicated relationship with a cynical man, an RAF pilot, and an army captain. As the threat of World War Two looms, Rachel discovers her own desires and grapples with the consequences of her actions.
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