In a parallel universe, young Lyra Belacqua embarks on a journey to the far North to rescue her kidnapped friend and other children who have been taken by a mysterious organization. Along the way, she discovers the existence of multiple universes and seeks to uncover the truth about a substance called Dust. With the help of armored bears, witches, and a Texan aeronaut, Lyra faces dangerous obstacles and battles against powerful forces as she fights to save the children and uncover the secrets of her own past.
In the freezing arctic, a photographer and her team find themselves in a life-or-death situation when they are hunted by a genetically modified creature. They must use their wits and survival skills to outsmart the creature and make it out alive.
A man makes a wish for a different life and finds himself in a world of chaos and unexpected consequences. With clothes in the pool, singing on a rooftop, and a flying car, he encounters a doppelganger and gets caught up in a brass band and marching band. On an island, he experiences wet clothes, red hair, and dreams. Chaos ensues as he encounters a father figure, a pool attendant, and a parrot while eating a banana. With a policeman, a scooter, and a flying table, he finds himself in unusual situations with a hammock, an ice bear, and a locker. In the end, love and the realization of the importance of family prevail. Based on a novel.
To the Arctic 3D is a stunning documentary that takes viewers on a thrilling snow adventure in the northern hemisphere's icy bear country. With breathtaking scenery and heartfelt narration, it showcases the diverse wildlife of the Arctic, from polar bears to seals and walruses. Through the lens of IMAX technology, this film captures the beauty and harshness of the Arctic's cold weather and explores the challenges faced by its animals and environment.
The beauty of the Arctic is breathtaking. For as long as we can remember, the Arctic has been associated with inhospitable cold. But the climate is changing, and with it the northern polar region, which begins beyond latitude 66.5 degrees north. Climate change is now happening four times faster north of the Arctic Circle than on the rest of the planet, making the future outlook dire. At the moment it is still possible for polar bears to raise their cubs, but hunting is becoming increasingly difficult on the drastically shrinking pack ice. The disappearance of the ice also affects the marine fauna. The wintry ice bridge between Canada and Greenland is threatened with collapse. The unstoppable melting of the permafrost, which has held the tundra together for thousands of years, is worrying. But the Arctic is still one of the wildest and loveliest regions on earth. A documentary visit to the Arctic - as long as it still exist.
An Inuit tale of familial revenge.
Arktis is a poetic approach to the bizarre landscape of ice, rock, and water; a journey to the arctic ocean and surroundings, with images and sounds. Seventy one-second scenes of the arctic serve as the original material, which is then transformed in its texture, time lapse, color and light qualities to create a material reminiscent of landscape painting. The sound collage uses fragments from sounds of nature and samples from a piece of music for violin and song, which are also transformed in a manner similar to that of the visual pictures. (Jürgen Reble)
Short animated film about the clima crisis from CUC Anima and Gobelins
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