In this third installment of the Jackass franchise, Johnny Knoxville and his team of daredevils push the limits of sanity by performing extreme stunts, pranks, and gross-out comedy. With outrageous stunts, painful accidents, and outrageous behavior, Jackass 3D takes comedy to a whole new level.
A hitman working for a secret organization in South Korea decides to quit and live a normal life. However, he soon discovers that leaving the company is not so easy, as his former colleagues start hunting him down. As he tries to survive and protect his loved ones, he becomes entangled in a web of deception, betrayal, and violence.
A teacher at Columbia University is infatuated with one of his students, leading to a hilarious and romantic adventure.
Song composer Howard Green is frustrated by disturbances his wife, in-laws, and landlord while writing his latest song.
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