In the year 2050, a team of scientists on a submarine embark on a deep-sea diving mission to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a renowned scientist. As they explore an underwater cave, they encounter a terrifying giant fish monster that begins to hunt them down. With their lives at stake, the scientists must find a way to escape and stop the monster before it reaches the surface.
A group of tourists arrive to see the botanical gardens on a small island off the Italian coast. The only inhabitants of the island are the famous botanist Baron von Weser and his two faithful servants; all of the other residents fled after a series of mysterious deaths. When the car driven by the tourists' guide hits one of the baron's servants, von Weser explains that the death was due to a rare and incurable disease, not the accident. That night, the guide and Cora Robinson, one of the guests, are found murdered with all the blood drained from their bodies.
In a near-future time, the British government has come up with an environmentally friendly program that abolishes prisons. Criminals and undocumented immigrants are chemically transformed into trees and put on public display. A propaganda filmmaker is forced to question his work as he prepares to see his journalist wife be “planted” for crimes against the state. A grim and imaginative cautionary tale by British filmmaker Tony Hipwell, based on the short story by Yasutaka Tsutsui (PAPRIKA, THE GIRL WHO LEAPT THROUGH TIME).
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