Ozark follows the story of Marty Byrde, a financial advisor who is forced to relocate his family to the Ozarks after a money laundering scheme goes wrong. In order to keep his family safe from the Mexican drug cartel he is working for, Marty must navigate the dangerous world of crime and corruption while trying to stay one step ahead of the law.
High Society is a drama movie that revolves around the scandalous lives of rich and powerful individuals, exposing their adulterous affairs and corrupt politics.
Half of all couples cheat but some take it too far that they can never go back. Tales of ordinary moms, dads, wives and husbands who strayed from their relationships and lived to regret it.
A policeman gets into a spiral of events, in which assault, extortion and murder are proven means.
Alexandra plans a disturbing revenge on her unfaithful husband by creating a videotape of her affair with a neighbor. She humiliates him and reveals her true intentions, leaving him trapped and helpless.
After his wife's death, Fernando becomes a quiet and introspective man who raises his son, Daniel by himself. Every night, while the boy is sleeping, Fernando "revives" his wife by touching her clothes and organizing her personal belongings. Paulo does not get along well with his mother-in-law, who judges him unprepared to raise the boy without help. Lonely, Paulo has to resist the advances of his recently divorced sister-in-law.
Goran is a blind man who starts suspecting his wife of being unfaithful. He decides to make a sex tape to catch her in the act. As he investigates further, he uncovers a web of lies and deceit that puts his life in danger.
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