The Edge of Love is a biographical drama that takes place in 1940s Wales. It follows the lives of a poet, his wife, and another woman. As war looms, their relationships become entangled in a love triangle filled with jealousy and unrequited love. The movie explores themes of passion, loyalty, and the sacrifices made during wartime.
The Playroom is a drama film that takes place in 1970s England. It follows the story of a dysfunctional suburban family and explores the complex dynamics within. The film touches on themes such as failed marriages, infidelity, adultery, marital problems, and the coming-of-age of a teenage boy and girl. The plot revolves around a loveless marriage where the wife flirts with another man in front of her husband, leading to a series of events that involve couples exchanging partners, passionate kisses, and the wife getting pregnant by another man. With its raw portrayal of a broken home and the consequences of infidelity, The Playroom delves into the complexities of relationships and the impact they have on individuals.
A group of rebellious students, who practice free love and anarchism, tries to get their conservative dean to give in to their demands. He refuses, but his nymphomaniac wife is willing. Things end in tragedy for some.
Faced with the emptiness and lack of rational explanation for many of the problems of the contemporary world, it sometimes seems that the only solution is to take refuge in the instincts ... and instincts lead us to sex. At least this is the exit that find the protagonists of this story: sex as a shock to stay alive, the manipulation of others as a way to ward off impotence and reaffirm their personalities torn by loneliness. But the result is ephemeral and the attempt has unforeseen consequences.
Middle aged bourgeoisie couple lives a loveless life along with their beautiful eighteen year old daughter. The man has a passionate desire for the girl who in fact is not his real daughter but the fruit of an affair of the woman early in the marriage. This leads to tragic events.
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