In Bones and All, a young woman named Maren embarks on a 1000 mile journey across America, where she meets Lee, a drifter with a dark secret. As their paths intertwine, they are forced to confront their terrifying pasts and make a final stand that will test their love and survival. Can love endure their otherness?
In a world where cannibalism is a way of life, a young girl finds herself torn between her hunger for human flesh and her desire for love. Based on the novel, she must navigate her way through a society filled with torture and bloodshed, all while dealing with the loss of her father. Will she succumb to her primal instincts or find a way to live a normal life?
Bleeders is a horror movie set on a remote island where a family of cannibals, born out of incest, lives in an underground cavern. The family has a deformity that makes them hunger for human flesh. When a group of people stumble upon the island, they become the target of the cannibal family's gruesome siege.
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