Finding Graceland is a drama film that follows the story of a man who becomes fixated on impersonating Elvis Presley. After the death of his wife, he embarks on a road trip to Graceland, Elvis's former home in Memphis, Tennessee. Along the way, he encounters various adventures and meets interesting characters. The film explores themes of identity, loss, and the pursuit of dreams.
In Los Angeles, a man with a face like Humphrey Bogart's gets plastic surgery to look like the actor and becomes a private detective. He is hired to find a missing person, but gets involved in a criminal case and a treasure hunt, leading to car chases, shootouts, and a search for a gem. Along the way, he encounters a Nazi war criminal, a belly dancer, and deals with blackmail and obscene photographs.
In 1947 Los Angeles, a private detective gets embroiled in a crime investigation when he is hired to find a missing person. As he digs deeper, he discovers a tangled web of betrayal, adoption secrets, and a dangerous femme fatale. With the help of a talking parrot and his wit, the detective must navigate through car chases, fights, and blackmail to solve the case.
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