Aalto (2020) is a captivating documentary that explores the life and work of Alvar Aalto, a renowned Finnish architect and furniture designer. The film delves into his journey through the 1930s to the 1960s, highlighting significant milestones such as his modernist style, his humanization of modern architecture, and his innovative use of wood. Alongside his professional achievements, the movie also touches upon his personal life, including the loss of his wife and his marriage. Aalto's influence in the world of modern art and design is showcased through his iconic buildings and furniture. Through interviews, voice-overs, and archival footage, Aalto provides a comprehensive and engaging portrait of this visionary artist.
Meat Love is a surreal and dark comedy that tells the story of forbidden love between two pieces of meat. It explores themes of loss, humanization, and the complexities of new love. The film is a high-concept romantic-comedy with elements of surrealism and tragedy. It is a stop-motion animation that uses food items like spoons, forks, and frying pans as characters. Meat Love is an independent short film that appeals to grown-ups who enjoy alternative and dark comedy.
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