Evil follows the story of a skeptical forensic psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a contractor as they investigate supernatural phenomena, demonic possessions, and other unexplained occurrences. With a deep sense of skepticism, the team is determined to uncover the truth behind these mysterious events, while facing their own inner demons.
Hellboy, a demon rescued from the Nazis, grows up to become a defender against the forces of darkness. When his adoptive father is killed and his friends are captured by a resurrected Rasputin, Hellboy must embrace his true identity and make a choice between good and evil.
All is not what it appears at Lizzie's new school. There’s something seriously spooky about the strange Headmaster and Lizzie is determined to find out what’s going on, before it’s too late.
When a Chinese gang unleashes a demonic spirit in the subway, a martial artist must use his skills to defeat the evil and save the city. With the help of his friends, he engages in a deadly showdown against the powerful demon.
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