Gurren Lagann is set in a future where Earth is ruled by the Spiral King, Lordgenome, who forces humans to live underground. The story follows Simon, a young digger, and his partner, Kamina, as they join a group of rebels called Team Dai-Gurren. Together, they pilot giant robots known as gunmen and fight against Lordgenome's forces to liberate humanity and bring them back to the surface.
A raw and honest behind-the-scenes look at the iconic superstar's struggle with a life-altering illness. Serving as a love letter to her fans, this inspirational documentary highlights the music that has guided her life while also showcasing the resilience of the human spirit.
Life in a Day is a documentary film made up of footage captured by people all over the world on July 24, 2010. The film presents a snapshot of a single day on Earth, showcasing the diversity and interconnectedness of humanity.
In a dying world, Kaena, a teenage girl, goes on a perilous journey to save her home planet. She must battle alien species, overcome betrayal, and uncover a mysterious force that holds the key to survival.
Dennis Doyle, a lazy and out-of-shape man, realizes the error of his ways when his ex-girlfriend Libby, who is about to marry the successful Whit, comes back into his life. Determined to prove himself, Dennis decides to run a marathon to show Libby that he can change. Along the way, he faces various challenges, including a gambling debt, a pregnant bride, and his own lack of self-discipline. With the help of his best friend and a dedicated trainer, Dennis pushes himself to the limit to win back the love of his life.
Powaqqatsi is a non-narrative documentary film that observes the impact of industrialization, poverty, and progress on various cultures and the environment. Through stunning visuals and poetic imagery, the film delves into themes of tradition, ritual, human spirit, and the effects of technology on society.
Intimates is a movie about female bonding and enduring love. It explores themes of hardship, devotion, betrayal, and self-sacrifice. The story follows a woman architect on a journey of self-discovery and healing, while navigating through relationships and societal challenges. Set during World War II, the movie delves into the complexities of love, homosexuality, and the human spirit.
A woman escapes her troubled life and falls in love with a fisherman, leading to a series of events involving crime, revenge, and violence.
I Am is a documentary that delves into the fundamental questions of human existence, exploring themes such as materialism, love, and spirituality. The film takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey, questioning the values and beliefs that guide our lives.
Into the Mind dives into the psychology and motivation of extreme athletes as they push the boundaries of what is possible. Set against the backdrop of stunning natural landscapes, the film delves into the risks and rewards of pursuing the ultimate thrill.
New Zealand is a place of great natural beauty and resources, of pioneering immigrants from the Maori to the more recent settlers. They’re fierce, hardy, and strong, able to withstand challenges like the massive economic challenge they faced in the mid 1980’s. With their economy unraveling, they made huge, controversial changes, including doing away with farm subsidies and protectionist import controls. At first, it hurt. A lot. But now, the farmers and the fishers, the people and the economy, are prospering. And they wouldn’t go back to subsidies, special interests, or support for manufacturers. Travel to New Zealand with scholar Johan Norberg to meet some amazing Kiwis and see how they blazed a trail to economic prosperity.
An orphaned girl in a poverty-stricken neighborhood is adopted by a kindly neighbor. He struggles to support her honestly, despite opportunities to participate in a neighbor’s scurrilous get-rich-quick schemes. Invoking the pain of Chinese exiles living in Taiwan, or missing relatives still in China, the touching film posits an in-between historical period during which it is crucial for displaced residents to maintain virtue as a bedrock of identity.
Follow the personal journey of three men as they travel around the world in search of the true meaning of life. Through encounters with people from different cultures and backgrounds, they explore the commonalities that connect us all.
In "The Way of Miracles," a powerful documentary film, we explore the incredible healing journeys of individuals who have experienced miraculous recoveries through the power of faith and belief. This awe-inspiring film takes us on a profound exploration of the mind-body connection and the extraordinary potential we each have to heal ourselves and others.
Growing up in poverty as a child, Dylan dreamt of travelling the world on a motorcycle. Many years later he broke the shackles of a normal life and took to the road. After journeying 200,000km across four continents, the road from Panama to Colombia comes to an end, swallowed up by an impenetrable jungle. Dylan has no choice but to take to the sea, building a raft powered by his motorcycle engine in the hope of reaching Colombia's road network 700km away. He must brave strong ocean currents and storm batterings in his journey from Central to South America.—Journeyman Pictures
A skateboarder, a B-Boy and the world's oldest female MMA fighter – these are some of the people we meet in Radical Age, a documentary that follows six so-called seniors proving it's never too late to defy convention.
Bigger Than Africa is an educational documentary that delves into the captivating history and cultural significance of the African continent. Through interviews, stunning visuals, and in-depth research, the film showcases the immense contributions of Africa to the global landscape, shedding light on its often underrepresented stories.
Lives Well Lived is a heartwarming documentary that showcases the extraordinary lives of remarkable individuals. Through interviews, personal stories, and cherished memories, the film celebrates the wisdom and lessons learned from these inspiring individuals who have truly lived well.
A small group of adventurous mountain bikers attempt to race the longest mountain bike route in the world traversing over 2700 miles along the Rocky Mountains from Banff, Canada to the Mexican border.
A Fire Inside is a powerful documentary that explores the challenges faced by Australian firefighters as they battle the catastrophic bushfires of 2019 and 2020. The film captures their heroic efforts, the impact on the environment and wildlife, and the indomitable human spirit that shines through in times of crisis. It delves into the emotional toll, the loss of life, and the national emergency that unfolded during this devastating period. Through interviews and stunning footage, the documentary highlights the urgency of environmental awareness and the need for collective action against climate change.