Semi-Tough is a satirical comedy that follows the lives of three football players as they navigate love triangles, self-help groups, and the eccentricities of the football world. The story takes a humorous look at the relationships and challenges faced by these players, providing an entertaining and witty portrayal of the sports industry.
A mother's struggle to rescue her daughter from the NXIVM cult, a notorious organization involved in sex trafficking and brainwashing. Based on a true story of scandal and the fight for justice.
From two-time Emmy winner Robyn Symon comes an intriguing documentary which offers an intimate look at Werner Erhard, founder of the est program that sparked today's multi-billion dollar personal growth industry. In his first interview in more than a decade, Erhard gives a rare glimpse into the controversy surrounding his life and the est Training -- the program that has inspired millions of people all over the world.
Late 1970s television documentary on the people of Marin County, California, one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. The documentary focuses on the affluent, hedonistic, and often self-indulgent lifestyles of its residents and the effect that it has on families. It provides a snapshot of the the then-popular Human Potential/New Age Movement, as well as the type of lifestyle that would soon be branded 'yuppie' in the 1980s.
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