DARLING in the FRANXX is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink of extinction. Teenagers, known as Parasites, pilot giant mechs called FRANXX to defend against monstrous creatures known as Klaxosaurs. The story follows Hiro, a former prodigy who has lost his motivation, and Zero Two, a mysterious girl with klaxosaur blood. Together, they form an unlikely partnership and strive to unlock the secrets of their world while facing internal and external conflicts.
Viago, Deacon, and Vladislav are vampires dealing with the mundane aspects of modern life while living as flatmates. They navigate paying rent, socializing, and conflicts with each other. When a new vampire joins their group, their dynamic changes. They banish one of their own after an incident and later attend a masquerade party where they encounter a werewolf pack. Through unexpected events, they form an unlikely friendship.
Me and My Monsters the story of the Carlson family who have recently relocated from Australia to the UK to discover there are three out of control hilarious monsters living in their basement.
In "Monster," a mother and her son are terrorized by a horrifying creature that has infiltrated their home. As they try to survive, they come face-to-face with their worst fears and must confront the monster head-on. This Australian horror movie is filled with suspense, jump scares, and intense moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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