Black Lizard is a comedy crime movie that follows the story of a jewel thief, who is also a non-binary genderqueer. The plot takes a thrilling turn when a murder happens, and the investigation leads to a world of lgbt, transvestism, and human dolls. The movie is based on a play and features an author cameo. It explores themes of cross-dressing and homosexuality, with elements of kidnapping.
The aristocratic, wealthy France-born Boudine family move to New Orleans in the mid-1800s to make their way in America. Then their beautiful youngest daughter cross paths with the fiancé of the legendary Queen of Louisiana Voodoo, Marie Laveau. They have a baby and try to keep it a secret, but Madame Laveau finds out and decides that the entire family deserves the focus of Laveau's most destructive curse.
A young couple, Mary and PJ, are kidnapped in their own home by a sadistic clown who wants to break their spirits and sell them into servitude to a cult of wealthy deviants. Mary holds onto her humanity through trial after trial, desperately looking for a way to escape her torment and rescue PJ from his own madness. But time is running out -- and auction day is coming...
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