In a world where dinosaurs roam the mainland, Biosyn Genetics captures and sells prehistoric animals illegally. Maisie Lockwood, a clone, goes missing, prompting Dr Ellie Sattler and others to uncover a sinister scheme involving giant insects. Claire, Owen, Alan, and Ellie join forces to rescue Maisie and stop BioSyn, facing dangerous situations, treacherous mercenaries, and deadly dinosaurs along the way.
In an alternate time-line, an Apatosaurus named Arlo must navigate the dangerous wilderness and overcome his fears to save his human friend, Spot.
Dinotopia is a TV show set in a lost civilization where humans and dinosaurs coexist. It follows the adventures of two brothers who find themselves on the island and discover their own destinies. They must navigate the challenges of the island, including sibling rivalry, rebellious dinosaurs, and a political power struggle. Along the way, they learn about friendship, family, and the importance of living in harmony with nature.
The adventures of the human survivors in a future dinosaur dominated world.
Dinotopia is a TV show set on a remote island where humans coexist with dinosaurs. After a plane crash, a group of people find themselves stranded in this utopian society. They must navigate through the dangers of the island and its various factions while trying to find a way back home.
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