In a futuristic colony, a man named Lincoln Six Echo begins to question the rigid control over his life when his friend is selected to go to the last uncontaminated place on Earth, known as the Island. As he starts to uncover the truth, he realizes there is more to his existence than he thought.
In a sinister boarding school, girls are subjected to a rigorous regimen enforced by security guards and punishment for disobedience. As they uncover a dark secret about the institution, they must navigate the dangers and betrayals in order to find the truth.
In a world where the human lifespan has been extended, Kathy reminisces about her time at a boarding school called Hailsham and her adult life. She falls in love with Tommy, but Tommy and Ruth begin a relationship. The three friends eventually discover that they are clones destined to be organ donors. Tommy believes that their artwork can prove true love and grant them a temporary reprieve from donation. Kathy becomes a carer and watches many clones die. She reunites with Tommy and Ruth, who dies on the operating table. Tommy's artworks are revealed to be pointless, and Kathy is left waiting for her donations.
In Parts: The Clonus Horror, a politician discovers a secret facility where clones are being created for organ harvesting. As he uncovers the truth, he must escape from the evil doctor and the power elite behind the operation. With themes of nonpersonhood and government manipulation, this cult-favorite psychotronic film takes viewers on a thrilling and thought-provoking journey.
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