Ned, a bold and adventurous young boy, discovers a magical newt who can talk and shapeshift. Together, they embark on humorous and exciting adventures while referencing popular culture. Set in the 1990s, this animated comedy is filled with fun and laughter.
Set in the year 2222, impetuous, science-loving, 12-year-old Blaster helps his alien friend G.C. save her universe, with the help of their robotic dog MEL, using logic and creativity to outsmart intergalactic outlaws.
While on a beach vacation, a human boy and a girl find themselves stranded on an island where dinosaurs still exist. They must navigate the dangers of the island and work together to find the Ruby Sunstone, a powerful artifact that can protect Dinotopia.
As an Earthling crew of astronauts lose control, and crash land onto the warring planet of Skallor, housing alien races known as the "Protectons" and "Terracores." Huge war robots, the Robotix, are used to re-animate the souls of the deceased alien races. As several of the astronaut crew stray towards evil-doing, the good members use the help of the Robotix to help them get back to Earth.
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