Made In Abyss is a dark fantasy anime that follows the journey of a young girl named Riko. She ventures into the Abyss, a treacherous and mysterious chasm, in search of her mother who disappeared years ago. Along the way, she befriends a humanoid robot named Reg and together they face dangerous creatures, encounter ancient relics, and uncover the secrets of the Abyss.
Veronica 2030 is a futuristic sci-fi romance film that takes place in the year 2030. It follows the story of a scientist who creates a sexy female android named Veronica. As the scientist falls in love with Veronica, they navigate a world of business rivalry, fetishism, and human-android relationships. The movie explores themes of love, sex, and the complexities of human-android interactions.
One day, a black box suddenly crashed into the house of the high school dropout Naoto Miura. Inside it was a female automaton. The endless cycle of failure and success. The world that does change and the mankind that does not change. At a time where reality and fantasy are screaming, the encounters of these two make the gears of fate move!
An astronaut traveling to the Moon accidentally travels back in time to medieval England, where he encounters knights, jousting, and a love interest with an android.
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