Set in the distant future, The Jetsons follows the daily lives of the Jetson family, including George Jetson, Jane Jetson, their children Judy and Elroy, and their dog Astro. The show features advanced technology, such as flying cars, automated homes, and robot maids, along with humorous family situations and workplace feuds.
The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new adventure, they tackle their biggest threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. Agent M, a probationary agent, teams up with Agent H to investigate the mysterious alien twins who pose a deadly threat. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover a plot to unleash the Hive, a parasitic race that invades other planets. With the fate of the Earth at stake, Agent M and Agent H must stop the Hive and expose the traitor within the Men in Black.
Riddick, left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, must battle against an alien race of predators and a group of mercenaries who have arrived on the planet. With the help of his wits, survival skills, and an orphaned jackal-beast pup, Riddick fights his way out and activates an emergency beacon. Two ships arrive in response to the beacon, and Riddick strikes a deal with them to escape the planet. However, the deal turns into an ambush, leading to intense battles and the revelation of Riddick's true strength. In the end, Riddick manages to escape and departs into deep space.
The Extreme Dinosaurs, a group of anthropomorphic dinosaurs with superpowers, team up with a female police officer and a scientist to protect Earth from evil aliens and their plans of using a weapon of mass destruction. With their hoverbikes and rock-themed superpowers, the Extreme Dinosaurs engage in thrilling battles of good versus evil.
Pinocchio 3000 is set in the year 3000 and follows the story of Pinocchio, who along with his friends, must fight against a corrupt mayor to protect their city. With the help of futuristic technology and their determination, they uncover a plot that puts their entire city at risk. Will Pinocchio be able to save the day and become a real boy?
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