The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is a reality TV show that follows the lives of wealthy women living in Beverly Hills. It showcases their glamorous lifestyles, personal and professional relationships, and the drama that unfolds between them.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City follows the lives of ambitious women living in the unconventional city of Salt Lake City, Utah. From high society to Mormon culture, these women navigate the challenges of running successful businesses and raising families while maintaining their social status.
Queenpins is a comedy crime movie that tells the story of two housewives who start a coupon scam, becoming masterminds of a national counterfeit coupon caper. Based on a true story, the film explores their journey as they hustle their way to success, navigating the world of organized crime and forming an unlikely friendship along the way.
The series steps inside the champagne fuelled lives of Ampika Pickston, Dawn Ward, Lauren Simon, Leanne Brown, Magali Gorré and Tanya Bardsley. Throughout the series we’ll get to know these amazing characters and their intertwining lives. In the extreme world of Cheshire’s rich and famous residents, life moves fast and each day has its dramas, ensuring every episode will be action packed and entertaining. All with the gorgeous backdrop of the lavish homes and the exclusive locations that these women live in. The Housewives’ wealth and connections also mean that through them, you'll get unique access to the elite events and fabulous social occasions that punctuate the Housewives’ extraordinary lives.
The Real Housewives of Miami follows the lives of a group of wealthy and glamorous women living in Miami. From lavish parties to drama-filled social gatherings, viewers get an inside look at the glamorous lifestyles and interactions of these housewives.
Join a group of women as they navigate their ultra-wealthy lifestyles in the United Arab Emirates. Experience the challenges and luxuries they encounter in their everyday lives.
Zindagi in Short is a TV show that presents a collection of short stories, each delving into various aspects of life. From love and friendship to family relationships and marital struggles, the show covers a wide range of emotions and experiences. With its diverse cast of characters and compelling narratives, Zindagi in Short offers a unique and engaging exploration of the human condition.
The Hotwives of Orlando is a satirical comedy series that follows the lives of affluent housewives in Orlando, Florida. Through comedic parodies and social satire, the show pokes fun at the stereotypes and drama that come with this particular social circle. The series explores themes of friendship, marriage, family relationships, and the absurdities of their lives in a comedic and satirical manner.
A hilarious parody comedy that spoofs the lives of housewives in Las Vegas, showcasing their marriages, friendships, and the ups and downs of their relationships.
The series follows several women from The Real Housewives franchise as they vacation together.
Nine women sign up for a class in striptease in order to enrich their lives.
A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of 6 unique, interesting and dynamic women from the Winelands and their lavish lifestyles.
A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of 6 unique, interesting and dynamic women from Pretoria and their lavish lifestyles.
After World War II, many young French women became housewives, convinced that devoting themselves entirely to caring for their families was a noble mission and a means of personal fulfillment.
The story of two women and how they trick a husband into renovating a kitchen.
Seeing the attractive older lady on the block naked. It's a fantasy most men have harbored since boyhood. Playboy brings this timeless erotic vision to life with sizzling behind-the-scenes footage from our sexiest amateur model search ever.
The life of a right-wing housewife in Chile during the prior days to Salvador Allende's military overthrow.
Exploration of memories related to food and food making. Three women are preparing dishes personally meaningful to them, while the director's grandmothers recount the tales of what food and cooking meant for them throughout their lives.
A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of unique, interesting and dynamic women from London and their lavish lifestyles.
In the past, it was common for women to take care of the children and run the household. But did housewives think that was a good thing? And what did the younger generation think of housewives? Did they want to become one themselves?
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