In the aftermath of the Great Recession, Fern, a woman in her sixties, loses her job at the US Gypsum plant. She decides to sell her belongings and live in a van, traveling through the American West. Along the way, she takes a seasonal job at an Amazon fulfillment center and attends a desert gathering organized by Bob Wells, where she learns survival skills. Fern also builds friendships with fellow nomads, including a woman named Swankie who is battling cancer. She later works as a camp host, cares for a sick nomad named David, and reunites with her sister. Despite these connections, Fern remains committed to her nomadic lifestyle, always seeking new experiences. At the end, she returns to Empire, the town she once called home, before continuing her journey.
Tell Them We Were Here is a documentary that explores the art, activism, and social action in the San Francisco Bay Area. It delves into topics such as gentrification, homelessness, displacement, and the empowering role of art in the community.
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