Anastasia: Once Upon a Time tells the story of a young Russian princess named Anastasia, who finds herself in both the 1910s and 1980s due to a magical time portal. She must use her wit and bravery to navigate through different timeframes, facing challenges along the way. With the help of a magic necklace, Anastasia embarks on a quest to save her family from a dark curse and discover her true destiny. The movie explores themes of Russian history, the House of Romanov, monarchy, and the effects of the Russian Revolution. It also incorporates elements of Halloween, as Anastasia finds herself in the 1980s during this festive time. Throughout her journey, she encounters various characters and experiences, including a royal ball, the presence of Grigori Rasputin, and the wonders of a shopping mall.
A compilation of newsreels shot between 1913 and 1917 - the years leading up to the Russian Revolution.
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