Dandelion is a heartfelt drama set in a small town, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and sacrifice. The story revolves around a character who faces the undoing of their life due to a betrayal by a friend. As they navigate through their feelings of aggression and refusal of intimacy, they find solace in cooking and the beauty of nature. Tragedy strikes when they experience the loss of their daughter, leading to a spiral of emotions and a search for redemption.
24 Hours on Craigslist is a 2005 American feature-length documentary that captures the people and stories behind a single day's posts on the community-focused, classified website Craigslist. The film, made with the approval of Craigslist's founder Craig Newmark, is woven from interviews with the site's users, all of whom opted in to be contacted by the production when they submitted their posts on August 4, 2003. The documentary screened in nine film festivals during 2004 and 2005, winning a 'best feature documentary', and played in a limited, self-distributed, theatrical release in 2005 and 2006. The film was released on DVD on April 25, 2006
Unforgivable (2011) follows a writer who is haunted by his dark past when a woman he had an affair with resurfaces. As he navigates his relationships with his current wife, ex-lover, and daughter, secrets and betrayals come to light. This suspenseful drama explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the consequences of past actions.
Arrow comedy shot in 1921 but released 2 years later, with an ensemble cast including Jay Belasco, Blanche Payson, Billy Armstrong and Jack Duffy. The plot centers around Jack and his wife who are looking for a place to rent. But what to do when the housing situation is not exactly easy?
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