Harvie Krumpet is an animated film that tells the story of a man named Harvie, who faces a series of unfortunate events and challenges throughout his life. From his childhood in Poland to his move to Australia, Harvie experiences moments of triumph and tragedy, all while maintaining a dark sense of humor. The film explores themes of mortality, resilience, and the absurdity of life.
Casanova Brown is a comedy-drama film from 1944 that follows the story of a man named Casanova Brown who finds himself thrust into the world of marriage and fatherhood. After a one-night stand with a woman named Isabel, Casanova discovers that she is pregnant with his child. Despite his initial resistance, Casanova eventually decides to marry Isabel and raise their child together. However, their relationship faces numerous obstacles, including a house fire, a medical examination, and the interference of Casanova's former lover. Throughout the film, Casanova must navigate the ups and downs of marriage and parenthood, all while learning important lessons about love and responsibility.
An ambitious medical researcher discovers a mold that he believes could be the foundation of a miracle cure for degenerative disease.
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