On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
In 'The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two,' Kate Pierce is unexpectedly reunited with Santa Claus and finds herself on a new adventure to save Christmas. When a troublemaking elf named Belsnickel threatens to destroy the holiday, Kate and her brother must help Santa and his loyal reindeer to stop him. Along the way, they encounter magical creatures, visit the North Pole, and even travel through time. Can they save Christmas before it's too late?
Blu, a domesticated macaw, meets Jewel, a fiercely independent bird, and they embark on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro. However, they are captured by smugglers who want to sell them on the black market. With the help of their friends, they must escape and save themselves. Blu discovers his ability to fly and rescues Jewel, and together they build a sanctuary to protect their species.
Scott Calvin accidentally causes Santa to fall off his roof, leading him to take over as Santa Claus and save Christmas.
Marquis de Sade: Justine follows the twisted journey of a young woman as she falls into the world of depravity and sadism. From her time in a women's prison to her encounters with evil priests and nuns, Justine's life takes a dark turn filled with torture, sexual obsession, and murder. This exploitative and erotic film explores themes of power, control, and the exploitation of the downtrodden.
After the death of his wife, a widower becomes increasingly concerned about the disturbing behavior of his young daughter. As he delves deeper into the truth, he uncovers a shocking secret that puts his family at risk.
Portrait of Jennie tells the story of a struggling artist who becomes captivated by the beauty and mystery of a young girl named Jennie. As he attempts to capture her essence in his paintings, he discovers that Jennie is not what she seems, and her presence in his life holds a supernatural power that will change everything. Set against the backdrop of Cape Cod and the Great Depression, this film is a moving exploration of love, art, and the mysteries of the human heart.
When Santa's elf loses his magical powers, a woman named Christine helps him find them while falling in love with him. Together, they restore the spirit of Christmas and bring joy to everyone.
Tristana, an orphaned young woman, is taken in by a wealthy older man who becomes her guardian. As she grows up, Tristana starts to yearn for freedom and explores her own desires. This leads to complicated male-female relationships, unrequited love, and societal clashes. Tristana's journey involves struggles with her physical disability, societal expectations, and personal independence.
Kumiko, a Japanese office worker, discovers a VHS tape of the film 'Fargo' and becomes convinced that it is a real treasure map. She travels to Minnesota in search of the hidden fortune, facing numerous obstacles along the way.
When an orphaned flight attendant discovers a picture locket necklace, she embarks on a journey to find the rightful owner, leading her to a reporter in Seattle. As they investigate the story behind the locket, they uncover family history and find love in the enchanting holiday season.
In the movie Cold Zone, a team of scientists conducting research in a remote winter retreat in Alaska find themselves in a life-threatening situation when a sudden snowstorm traps them. As the temperature drops rapidly, they must find a way to escape the frozen zone before they freeze to death. With only the resources available in their lab and limited communication due to cell network failure, they face a race against time to survive.
In the small British town of Mistletoe, a widower finds love again with a charming opera singer during the Christmas season. With the help of a Christmas angel, they overcome obstacles and create magical memories together.
When an event planner from Los Angeles inherits a chalet in Vail, Colorado, she decides to quit her job and move to the small mountain village. Winter brings love, unexpected surprises, and a chance to find her true calling.
When a master sergeant with a broken leg returns home for Christmas, he finds himself in a romantic triangle while navigating festive traditions, military family dynamics, and the healing power of love.
A woman's husband is trying to drive her insane to gain control of her fortune. She seeks the help of a psychiatrist to unravel the mystery and regain her freedom.
Winter Love Story is a romantic movie set in Princeton, New Jersey. It follows the story of a famous fantasy writer and a witty barista who meet during a book signing event. As they embark on a road trip together, they discover hidden feelings and navigate the challenges of a new relationship. With beautiful snowstorms, cozy log cabins, and heartwarming moments, Winter Love Story captures the magic of winter romance.
You, Me and the Christmas Trees is a heartwarming holiday romance that takes place in a charming Christmas tree farm. The story follows a talented arborist and horticulturalist who is determined to save her family's struggling Christmas tree business. As she navigates the challenges of running the farm and preparing for a craft fair, she unexpectedly finds love with a charming man. Together, they overcome obstacles, including sabotage and vandalism, and work towards preserving their cherished traditions. Will they be able to save the farm and find happiness in each other's arms?
After their mother passes away, a group of siblings are left to navigate the challenges of life on their own, including dealing with an absentee father and facing secrets and betrayals within their family. They struggle to survive and protect each other, learning the importance of self-sufficiency and the power of sibling relationships.
When an illustrator, Finley, receives an unexpected inheritance, she decides to take a vacation and ends up at a charming bed and breakfast. There, she meets the caregiver and owner of the B&B, Jake, and his family. As Finley gets to know Jake and his son, she starts to feel a connection and finds herself falling in love. However, things get complicated when Finley discovers the true reason behind her inheritance and has to confront her own past. With the help of hot chocolate, baking cookies, and the magic of Christmas, Finley navigates the twists and turns of her newfound romance and learns the true meaning of family and love.