Asura is a gripping tale of survival and resilience as a young orphan boy named Asura navigates through a famine-stricken village in 15th-century Japan. With his only companion being a starving animal, Asura must learn to fend for himself and overcome the brutal realities of hunger, violence, and cannibalism. As his journey unfolds, Asura's rage and anger grow, leading him down a path of revenge and ultimately shaping his destiny.
Summer Vacation tells the story of four teenage students who spend their summer vacation at school – unsupervised and untouched by the outside world.
In 17th-century France, Molière, a struggling playwright, forms a comedy troupe and faces censorship and competition from his mother and daughter. As he gains success, he becomes entangled in the French court and deals with personal hardships, including misery, starvation, and tuberculosis.
Blood of the Beasts is a shocking documentary that takes viewers behind the scenes of a slaughterhouse in 1949. It reveals the brutal process of animal slaughter, from skinning and carving to bone-breaking and butchering. The film captures the gruesome reality of the meat industry and exposes the harsh working conditions faced by workers in the 20th century. This shocking shockumentary sheds light on the dark side of the food industry.
Bagboy is a comedy film about a hapless bagboy who gets caught up in a series of comedic and absurd situations while working at a grocery store. From shoplifting to telepathic communication and unrequited love, this film is full of laughs and unexpected twists.
Columbia's King of the Wild Horses is a remake of the silent Hal Roach western feature of the same name -- and with the same "star," Rex the Wonder Horse, in the lead. Most of the story involves the romantic triangle between rogue stallion Rex, the gorgeous mare Lady, and villainous black steed Marquis.
This documentary explores the U.S./Canada horse meat pipeline.
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