An American Carol is a comedy movie that revolves around a cynical, anti-American filmmaker who is visited by three spirits on the Fourth of July to help him regain his patriotic spirit. Through a series of hilarious and satirical events, the filmmaker learns the importance of freedom, liberty, and the true American spirit.
During the Great Depression, a homeless man named Godfrey becomes the butler for a wealthy New York City family. Through his wit and charm, he ends up becoming an integral part of their lives and helping them navigate their own personal struggles.
In The Glass Bottom Boat, a widow who works at a company that builds submarines becomes caught up in espionage when she is mistaken for a spy. She must navigate the world of international spies while also dealing with her growing attraction to a charming man in drag.
In Nothing But Trouble (1944), a family faces various challenges and comedic situations during the time of World War Two, including rationing, meat shortages, and the struggles of the Great Depression. The plot revolves around their attempt to navigate these difficulties while maintaining their sense of humor and love for each other.
A real estate agent desperate to make a sale comes across a haunted house that he must try to sell. As he tries to convince potential buyers, he encounters several supernatural occurrences and struggles to keep his sanity.
A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.
Three friends with different comic talents try to enjoy a formal dinner, but their hilarious antics and slapstick humor inadvertently cause a series of mishaps and chaos.
The stooges are fix-it men who are brought before a judge on a charge of chicken stealing. They escape from the courtroom and wind up getting hired in the judges' house after their antics attempting to fix the doorbell cause the servants to quit. The boys are discovered when the cake they bakes explodes all over a political supporter of the judge and he loses his chance for re-election.
As they prepare for their wedding, Scott and Johnny reflect on their long-term relationship; from a teenage first date after band practice to the meaning of monogamy.
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