Allegro Non Troppo is a satirical animated movie that parodies classical music and explores various absurd and comedic scenarios. The film includes a mixture of live-action and animation, with some scenes in black and white. It tells different stories ranging from a snake trying to catch a bee to a satyr creating life and a lonely old man trying to relive his past.
To cure their flirtatious husbands of consorting with flappers, three wives-- Susan Martin, Ethel Drake, and Kitty Ladd-- arrange with three college boys-- Henry Winton, Oscar, and Joe Valley-- to flirt with them at a house party. Joe Valley, who poses as a hot-blooded Spaniard, is vamped by Ginsberg in female attire, and Oscar, a bashful Swede, uses caveman methods when aroused. During a rehearsal of the party, the three husbands arrive, followed by their flapper friends, leading to comic complications.
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