Tokyo Ghoul is a TV show set in Tokyo, Japan where ghouls, man-eating creatures, live among humans. Kaneki, a college student, survives an attack from a ghoul and becomes a half-ghoul. As he navigates this new world, he must balance his hunger for human flesh with his desire to retain his humanity.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya follows the story of a high school girl named Haruhi Suzumiya, who possesses godlike powers and is completely unaware of it. She forms a school club called the SOS Brigade, with the goal of finding aliens, time travelers, and espers. However, the other members of the club, including Kyon, a normal student, soon discover that Haruhi's desires can shape reality, leading them on various strange adventures.
When a villain captures one of their own, the Teen Titans travel to Tokyo to rescue their teammate and defeat the villain. Along the way, they face various challenges and encounter new allies and enemies.
On August 10 2002, the eruption of Mount Fuji, as well as a series of large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis, inflicts tremendous damage to Japan, sending the country into a state of emergency. Furthermore, another massive earthquake hits Japan on August 15, splitting the country into two.
In medieval Japan, a bandit, a bride, the samurai's ghost, and a woodcutter all provide conflicting accounts of a crime involving rape and murder. The truth remains elusive as each story unfolds.
In the year 2000, a police robot and detectives in Tokyo investigate a series of crimes related to genetic engineering and a mysterious kaiju. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a sinister plot involving cancer research and the use of piloted giant robots. With the fate of Tokyo at stake, they must unravel the truth behind these crimes and protect the city from destruction.
Japan: Earth's Enchanted Islands is a captivating TV show that takes viewers on a journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Japan, showcasing its unique wildlife and natural wonders. From the majestic mountains of Honshu to the bustling streets of Tokyo, this documentary mini-series uncovers the secrets of Japan's enchanting islands. Discover the fascinating lives of macaque monkeys in the snow-covered mountains, witness the beauty of cherry blossoms in full bloom, and dive into the vibrant underwater world surrounding Okinawa. With stunning cinematography and insightful narration, this TV show provides a captivating look at the harmonious relationship between man and nature in Japan.
A silent 3-reel comedy short that uses the 1933 film King Kong as a backdrop to the story. It was produced by Shochiku Studios (who released the original 1933 film in Japan on behalf of RKO). It is now considered to be a lost film.
The crazy adventures of the SOS Brigade, led by the insane but charismatic Haruhi.
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