Man of a Thousand Faces is a biographical drama film that tells the story of a deaf-mute vaudeville actor who gains fame for his remarkable makeup and portrayal of historical figures. Set in the 1920s, the film explores his personal life, including his relationship with his wife, his struggles with pregnancy, and his interactions with his children. As he rises to the top of the movie business, he faces challenges and abuse due to his disability. The film showcases his talent and perseverance in overcoming obstacles to become a respected artist in Hollywood's silent cinema era.
Baby Huey dreams of becoming a Cub Scout, but the patrol out on a camping trip considers him to be too big and stupid to join. When a wolf shows up all the other ducks run away but Huey mistakes him for the scout master, and asks for his help. The wolf gives him several tasks to perform, all designed with Huey ending up on the wolf's dinner table, but dumb Huey turns the situations and the wolf is rendered harmless. The scouts make Huey an honorary member, and the battered wolf is used as a patrol flag.
On a 5-day book tour, pop music legend Phil Collins promotes a new book that catalogues his obscure collection of artifacts from the Battle of the Alamo. As he answers questions about his collection and his retirement from music, we observe the impact his public persona has had on his life and the more painful realities of being a celebrity. What emerges is an examination of mankind’s obsession with artifacts.
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