Due South (1994) follows the story of a Canadian police officer who gets transferred to Chicago and teams up with a detective to solve crimes. With its comedic elements and unique perspective on crime investigation, this TV show offers a delightful mix of adventure, comedy, and drama. Join the adventure as the Mountie brings his Canadian charm and expertise to the crime-ridden streets of Chicago.
Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...
Two brilliant young aesthetes, Brandon Shaw and Phillip Morgan, strangle their former classmate to death as an intellectual exercise. They hide the body in a chest and host a dinner party, with their guests including the victim's fiancée and father. Throughout the evening, their guest of honor, Rupert Cadell, starts to suspect and confronts them. As the tension increases, the truth is revealed and the police are called.
In a mystical world, a Yin-Yang Master must prevent a catastrophe from occurring while battling sinister forces and uncovering the secrets of his own past.
Set in 1960s London, 'The Servant' explores the power dynamics and psychological mind games between a wealthy bachelor and his cunning manservant. Through manipulation and control, the servant challenges the class differences and explores themes of submission, role reversal, and repressed homosexuality.
When a woman disappears on a train, a group of passengers band together to uncover the truth. With twists and turns, they unravel a conspiracy involving spies and manipulative behavior.
In 1961, Rudolf Nureyev, a brilliant young Russian ballet dancer, defects to the West, shocking the world. This movie explores his journey as he rises to fame, battles with his sexuality, and becomes one of the greatest male ballet dancers of all time.
When a woman uses a Ouija board, she unwittingly summons the spirit of a vengeful ghost who begins to terrorize her and her friends. As the ghost grows stronger, the woman must find a way to stop it before it takes their lives.
A woman named Mary hears that her sister Jacqueline is missing and sets out to find her. As she digs deeper, Mary discovers a dark secret society operating in Greenwich Village, dedicated to devil worship. Mary navigates the dangerous world of the cult and must confront her deepest fears to save her sister and escape the clutches of evil.
Half-brothers Touma Amazuki and Haruyo Amazuki run a small but hidden popular restaurant called "Solliev0". Apart from the food, the restaurant has a "secret menu" that solves the problems of customers who visit the store, and together with his childhood friend Torataro Kujo and his friend Sora Hojo, he is living a successful life working on hospitality and solving problems. Ta. In fact, Haruyo, who is the heir to the Amatsuki family and the owner of the conglomerate company Amatsuki Holdings, had made a promise with his father, Jira, who is the current company president, that he would inherit the family when he turns 30. As the deadline passes, it becomes clear that Jira has only a short time left to live. As if to coincide with his death, Fuyuma gradually changes from his previous role as his older brother. What is Touma's true purpose?
In 13th century Europe, a knight seeks redemption for killing his friend during the Crusades. He joins a monastery where he must face his past sins and confront the violence within the religious order.
In 1990s rural Scotland, a teenage boy forms a bond with his best friend over their shared passion for electronic music. Together, they navigate the challenges of small-town life while planning a rave that will change everything.
In a small Georgia town in the 1940s, Buster and Billie fall in love. However, their teenage romance takes a dark turn when a group of men commits a brutal crime against Billie. Determined to seek revenge, Buster navigates through challenges and confronts the community's repressive nature.
A group of people in Greece, including a father and daughter, get caught up in a terrifying and surreal drug party. As the night unfolds, they experience hallucinations, romantic rivalries, and the presence of vampires. The party turns into a nightmarish orgy of sex, violence, and supernatural horror.
In the 1960s, a sexually frustrated man named John embarks on a series of outrageous and hilarious adventures in his quest for love. From his awkward encounters with numerous handsome men to his surreal experiences with necrophilia, John's journey explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and outcast. With elements of dark comedy and homoerotic subtext, 'Crazy Love' takes viewers on a wild and entertaining ride through the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Two young thugs kidnap a young girl and keep her in the basement of an old warehouse where they forcibly make her their sex slave.
Alberte has a passionate affair with Mathias, her doctor. He treats her under narcoanalysis to be able to detect a deeper symptom. He enters her without her knowing it and takes possession of his being in order to read what is chasing him, why people blame him, what is the strange disease that inhabits him.
Cubby Bear imagines himself living during the the time of the pilgrims.
A pair of convicts, a cat and a mouse, get rid of their striped prison suits and head for the hills. They hide in a tree but two skunks live there and have no intention of vacating. The escaped prisoners soon decide they prefer returning to the jail.
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