Homefront is a TV show that takes place in a fictional city during World War II. It follows the lives of various characters and explores their personal struggles, relationships, and challenges on the homefront. The show delves into topics such as love, prejudice, racism, friendship, and class struggle, providing a nuanced portrayal of life during wartime. It also touches upon themes of family, sacrifice, and the impact of war on individuals and communities.
In a small Welsh town in the 1910s, the townspeople are devastated when a cartographer declares their beloved local hill to be a mountain. Determined to restore their town's pride, the community comes up with a plan to trick the cartographer into measuring their hill again. As the cartographer falls in love with a local woman, he becomes invested in the town's efforts and ultimately decides to help them restore their mountain status. This charming comedy explores themes of community spirit, friendship, and love.
In the 1940s, two sisters join the first women's baseball league and face challenges as they try to help it succeed. They must overcome their own sibling rivalry while fighting against societal stereotypes. Along the way, they form friendships and build a strong team. Will they be able to prove themselves and make the league a success?
Mrs. Miniver follows the life of a British housewife, Mrs. Kay Miniver, during the early days of World War II. She must face the challenges and hardships brought by war and find the strength to protect her family and community.
The War is a documentary TV show that explores the causes, events, and consequences of World War II. It delves into the experiences of soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians, highlighting the heroism, fear, and sacrifice that defined the war.
Set during World War II in London, 'Hope and Glory' follows the life of a 10-year-old boy and his family as they navigate the challenges and adventures of wartime. From school bombings to the Blitz, the film portrays the resilience and humor of the characters amidst the chaos and uncertainty of war.
In the seaside town of Walmington-on-Sea, the retired men join the local Home Guard to defend their country. They face challenges and mishaps as they bumble through training and try to stop a spy from infiltrating their ranks.
The Ashton family struggles to deal with the harsh realities of the Second World War as their sons are sent away to fight. Those who remain at home in Liverpool live in constant fear of a knock on the door with a telegram from the War Office or the Luftwaffe bombs overhead as they sleep at night.
During World War II, a young Russian soldier embarks on a journey to return home and encounters various challenges and experiences along the way.
During World War II, a group of Scottish islanders face a shortage of whiskey due to food rationing. They come up with a plan to salvage whiskey from a stranded shipwreck, but face obstacles along the way.
Swing Shift is a drama and romance film set in the 1940s and revolves around the lives of women working in an aircraft factory during World War II. The plot explores themes of extramarital affairs, jealousy, friendship between women, female bonding, male chauvinism, and the impact of the war on their personal lives.
During World War II, a group of disguised Nazi troops infiltrates a rural English village with plans of invasion and occupation. As the village deals with this unexpected threat, a courageous few rise up to resist the Nazis and protect their homeland, leading to a deadly confrontation filled with suspense and tragedy.
August 1941. Residents of the Ural town escorted to the front of men. Left alone, women take on the most difficult cases, showing outstanding organizational skills and will. Together with the evacuated plant, refugees arrive in the town. The heroine of the Film Anna takes to her house a woman with children — her example is followed by the rest…
A group of individuals from different backgrounds find themselves in a small town near Canterbury, England during World War II. They uncover a mystery while exploring the beautiful countryside and encountering various challenges and adventures.
Little Red Riding Rabbit is a cartoon comedy that parodies the famous fairy tale. It follows Bugs Bunny as he disguises himself as Little Red Riding Hood to outwit the Big Bad Wolf. Chaos ensues as the wolf chases Bugs Bunny through the forest and tries to capture him. With its humorous twists and turns, the film provides a delightful and entertaining experience for viewers.
During World War II, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer goes undercover as an escaped prisoner of war to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring hiding in the Canadian wilderness. He must navigate through treacherous snow-covered terrain, face betrayal and danger, and uncover their secret mission before it's too late.
Standing before a divorce court judge are Sergeant Andy Anderson and Janie Anderson asking him to dissolve their marriage. Janie's father, William Smith, objects and the judge allows him to give his version of their story. They had met in San Francisco fifteen months earlier and, after knowing each other only three days, had gotten married. Andy was sent overseas the day after the wedding and when he returns and despite the fact that Janie had borne him a son, they find they are almost strangers. Mr. Smith suggests, and the judge orders, that if they retrace their actions over the four days they knew each other they would regain their love.
The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.
A homesick Pvt. Snafu learns that his family are almost as committed to the war efforts as himself.
Animated documentary promoting timely filing and payment of Federal income taxes, demonstrated by Donald Duck's difficulties with his tax return.