Comet is a nonlinear romantic comedy drama that follows the story of a chance encounter between two star-crossed lovers, Dell and Kimberly. The film explores their relationship through parallel universes and takes viewers on a journey through the ups and downs of their lives. As their lives flash before their eyes, they experience love, heartbreak, and the complexity of human connections. With elements of comedy, romance, and drama, Comet offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on love and the twists and turns it can take.
Chaz Davenport is a dashing bachelor who owns what promises to become the hottest new nightclub in town--if only the lights would stay on. Surrounded by the sumptuous blues music he adores, and with his pick of the gorgeous women who perform their sensual dance numbers onstage every night, Chaz is the envy of every man.
Larry Wessel presents darkest Hollywood and explores some of tinsel town's most grisly tragedies, including the murders of Sharon Tate and The Black Dahlia.
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