Set in a dystopian future, Kaiba follows the story of a young man with memory loss who embarks on a journey to recover his past. In this world, memories can be digitized and manipulated, allowing people to change their bodies and identities. As Kaiba explores different worlds and encounters various characters, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the very fabric of this reality. With themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, Kaiba is a mesmerizing anime that delves into the complexities of memory and identity.
When human forces discover the existence of the Vampire and Lycan clans, a war to eradicate both species commences. Selene, a vampire warrior, leads the battle against humankind. Twelve years later, Selene is freed from cryogenic suspension and encounters a young girl named Eve, revealed to be her and her lover Michael's daughter. Together with Eve and David, a fellow vampire, Selene fights against Antigen, a medical corporation conducting experiments on vampires and Lycans. Selene must save Eve and defeat the lycans, while seeking to find Michael and take back the world from humans and lycans.
In a post-apocalyptic future, a powerful fighter named Kenshiro embarks on a journey to protect the innocent and seek revenge against those who have wronged him. With his martial arts skills, he fights against ruthless enemies in a world filled with brutality, bloodshed, and chaos.
A wordless forensic documentary that showcases the grim reality of the autopsy process, revealing the intricacies of the human body through incisions, measurements, and bodily fluids. The film captures the pathologists at work as they dissect nude corpses, dictating their findings into a dictating machine. With scenes of burned victims, sawed open chests, preserved films, and forensic analysis, this avant-garde film leaves a haunting and lasting impression of death and the science behind it.
When an emergency squad is targeted by violent criminals, they must fight to protect their city and seek justice for their fallen comrades.
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