Sister of Mine is a provocative drama that explores the complex relationship between two half-sisters. The film delves into themes of incest, sexual perversion, and the consequences of forbidden desires. Set against the backdrop of a train journey, hidden cameras capture the secret world of these sisters as they navigate their taboo relationship. With elements of dark secrets, cocaine use, and voyeurism, Sister of Mine takes viewers on a captivating and shocking journey.
A cop-on-the-edge in Marseille, France, seeks redemption as he investigates a series of execution-style murders and a bus hijacking.
A composer traveling through Northern France on a road trip gets caught up in a dangerous game with a serial killer who targets young women. As he hitches rides and meets other individuals along the way, the composer begins to suspect that the killer may be closer than he thought. With tension and suspense building, he must navigate the dark and eerie backwoods of France to survive.
A happy family returns from a vacation to find their home invaded by a criminal family and must fight for survival.
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