Years ago, a young Christopher Robin met and befriended a group of anthropomorphic creatures in the Hundred Acre Wood. However, after Christopher left for college, the creatures went into starvation and developed a hatred for humanity. Five years later, Christopher and his wife Mary return to the desolate Hundred Acre Wood and are ambushed by Piglet. Pooh and Piglet drag Christopher into the woods, showing him the remains of Eeyore and burning Mary's corpse. Later, a group of university students rent a cabin in the Hundred Acre Wood, where they are hunted down by Pooh and Piglet. Maria and Jessica decide to rescue their friend Alice from the duo, but face intense violence. Christopher appears and crushes Pooh between two vehicles, but Pooh frees himself and kills Maria. A traumatised Christopher flees as Pooh repeatedly stabs Maria's corpse.
Romina is a horror thriller that follows the story of a young woman who is raped and left for dead in the Mexican wilderness. Seeking vengeance, she embarks on a bloody journey to hunt down her attackers, leaving a trail of carnage in her wake. This intense film explores themes of violence, revenge, and the depths of human darkness.
In 'Red White & Blue,' a rock band member seeks revenge on those who have caused her pain, leading to a brutal and destructive chain of events. This neo-noir film explores themes of abuse, sexual violence, and the consequences of anger. As the plot unfolds, it delves deeper into the characters' mental illness and the dark cruelty within them.
After his family is brutally murdered, a man embarks on a mission to seek revenge against the people responsible. As he investigates the crime, he uncovers a dangerous gang and a powerful gang boss, leading him into a deadly confrontation where he must confront his own demons and test the limits of his determination.
In P.U.N.K.S, a group of misfit teenagers discover they have super strength and use their powers to take on an evil corporation that is trying to take over their town. With the help of a brilliant scientist, they form a team and embark on an action-packed adventure to save the day.
Documentary about the art of Japanese bondage.
When a Killer Calls is a horror movie about a babysitter who receives a series of terrifying phone calls from a killer, leading to a night of horror and suspense. As the calls become more frequent and threatening, the babysitter realizes that her life is in danger and must find a way to escape before it's too late.
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