Elite is a TV show that revolves around a group of students at a prestigious private school. The show explores themes of crime, drama, mystery, and thriller as the students experience jealousy, class differences, love triangles, and the consequences of their actions. It also delves into topics such as homosexuality, bisexuality, HIV-positive characters, and teenage sex. With a mix of party scenes, violence, and exploration of relationships, Elite offers a compelling story set in a modern-day high school.
A brilliant and charismatic law professor, Annalise Keating, gets entangled in a gripping murder plot along with five of her students. As they attempt to get away with murder, they become increasingly involved in dangerous and shocking situations, testing their loyalty and morality.
Why Women Kill is a TV show that follows the lives of three women from different time periods - 1963, 1984, and present day - who all live in the same Pasadena mansion. As their stories unfold, the show delves into themes of infidelity, secret desires, and the lengths people will go to protect their own happiness.
Laura brings her family back to her childhood home, an orphanage for handicapped children, in order to reopen it as a facility for disabled kids. Her son, Simón, starts to communicate with an invisible friend named Tomás. As the story unfolds, Laura discovers secrets about the orphanage and the ghost children that haunt it.
Music follows the story of an autistic girl named Music, her caregiver Zu, and their journey through life. Music is non-verbal and has a unique way of perceiving the world around her. Zu, an alcoholic woman, becomes Music's guardian after her grandmother passes away. Together, they face various challenges and learn valuable life lessons.
In the 90's, two successful Dominicans living in Buenos Aires face rejection, prejudice and ignorance for being HIV positive.
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