When Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion, five teenagers, who are infused with superhuman abilities, must harness their newfound powers to battle this threat - as the Power Rangers. In Cenozoic-era, six interplanetary warriors, the Power Rangers, are tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal...
Acorralada is an American telenovela produced by Venevisión. Univision aired Acorralada from January 2007 to October 2007 on weekday afternoons at 2 pm central. It was rebroadcast in late 2011 through April 2012 on Univision's sister network, Telefutura. It was filmed in Miami, Florida, and lasted about 187 episodes. It is the second long-running telenovela that Venevisión Productions has produced without its former co-producer Fonovideo.
In 1986 Korea, two detectives struggle with a case of young women raped and murdered. They face challenges due to lack of forensic technology and improper collection of evidence. As more murders occur, they discover patterns that lead them to the killer. However, their suspect is cleared, leaving them frustrated. They eventually identify another suspect, but fail to prove his guilt. The crimes remain unsolved, but years later, one detective realizes the killer may be among the audience.
A fox named Tod and a hound named Copper vow to be best friends forever. However, as Copper becomes a hunting dog, their unlikely friendship faces a challenging test.
Three backpackers head to Slovakia after hearing about a hostel filled with American-loving local women. Upon arrival, they find themselves sharing a room with two attractive women who invite them to a spa. However, the backpackers soon realize that they are in for a terrifying experience as they uncover a dark secret about the hostel and become victims of a sadistic torture organization. Surviving the ordeal, one of the backpackers seeks revenge on those who harmed him and teams up with a fellow survivor to bring down the organization.
The devil's three sons escape Hell, wreak havoc on Earth, and the devil sends his third son, Nicky, to bring them back. Nicky reluctantly embarks on a quest with the help of a talking dog to trap his brothers in a flask and restore the balance between good and evil. Along the way, Nicky befriends two devil-worshiping guys and falls in love with a girl who helps him retrieve his stolen flask. He tracks down one brother, Cassius, at a Globetrotters game, but the other brother, Adrian, proves to be cunning. As the city of New York faces destruction, Nicky dies saving his girlfriend's life and meets his angel mother in heaven. She gives him a bright light in the shape of a ball, which he uses to defeat Adrian and save the day. In the end, Nicky gets married and the devil-worshipers crash and take Nicky's place in hell.
The Warriors, a street gang, are falsely accused of assassinating a respected gang leader. They must fight their way from the Bronx to their home turf on Coney Island to prove their innocence and survive. As they navigate through various gang territories and face numerous challenges, they discover that every gang in the city is after them.
In modern-day Helsinki, two lonely souls meet in a karaoke bar and embark on a journey to find love. They encounter various obstacles, including lost phone numbers, mistaken addresses, alcoholism, and a charming stray dog. Will they overcome these challenges and find happiness?
During the height of the Civil War in 1863, Abraham Lincoln discovers that the Confederate forces are using the undead as weapons. Determined to save the nation, Lincoln leads a secret mission to exterminate the zombie threat and protect the Union.
When a high school girl discovers that she has the ability to time travel, she uses this power to navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and growing up. However, she soon realizes that altering the past can have unforeseen consequences.
After answering a series of terrifying phone calls, people start dying one by one in gruesome ways. As the mystery unfolds, a group of friends must uncover the truth behind these deadly calls before they become the next victims.
After being released from prison, Gordon Gekko teams up with his future son-in-law, Jake, to take down a Wall Street enemy and rebuild his empire. As they navigate the financial collapse and personal challenges, they discover the true cost of greed and the importance of family.
An American tourist encounters a secret society of werewolves in Paris and becomes one himself. With the help of a French woman, he tries to find a cure for his condition while being hunted by both werewolves and the police.
Young Charlie suspects her charming Uncle Charlie, who has come to visit her family, may be a killer. As she delves deeper into the truth, she finds herself in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
During the Nazi occupation of Antwerp, Wilfried Wils finds himself serving as an auxiliary policeman and must navigate the challenges of survival.
Mimic is a horror sci-fi movie released in 1997. It follows the story of a deadly breed of genetically engineered insects that threaten to take over New York City. A CDC entomologist and a New York City police officer must find a way to stop the insects before it's too late.
Anna Karenina, a married aristocrat, engages in an affair with Count Vronsky, leading to a series of scandalous events and tragedy.
A village is plagued by supernatural occurrences after a librarian uncovers an ancient book in a gothic cathedral. A group of people get locked inside the church and must confront demonic possessions, self-sacrifice, and a hooded figure.
After witnessing the murder of his best friend, a Vietnam War veteran becomes a one-man vigilante, taking down corrupt politicians and criminals in Los Angeles.
Max Peterson, an engineer, receives a mysterious package containing a cell phone. He soon discovers that the phone can predict stock market, sports scores, and even make decisions for him. However, he soon becomes a target of assassins, and he must uncover the truth behind the phone and its connection to a global conspiracy.