In Memory of Friends is a documentary that delves into the complex issues surrounding the political and religious unrest in Punjab during the 1980s. Through interviews and archival footage, the film examines the rise of Hindu fundamentalism, militant separatist movements, and the role of the Indian government in the conflict. It also explores the impact of these events on the lives of ordinary people, with a focus on the stories of young activists who fought for peace and justice.
The sequel to 'The Boy in the Branch', the film revisits the RSS, a Hindu right-wing organization in India after a gap of eight years.
The Boy in the Branch is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the ongoing conflict between Hindu fundamentalism and religion. It provides an insightful ethnographic exploration of the religious tensions and political implications surrounding this issue. The film offers a nuanced perspective, shedding light on the complexities of the clash and its impact on society.
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