With Love, Christmas is a heartwarming holiday movie that tells the story of two coworkers who find love during the Christmas season. When Melanie, an advertising agency employee, is chosen to create a Christmas ad campaign, she teams up with Donovan, a co-worker and single father, to come up with the perfect idea. As they work together, they start to develop feelings for each other and discover the true meaning of Christmas.
When a woman receives a letter from her deceased father, she embarks on a journey to rediscover the magic of Christmas in a small town, where she unexpectedly finds love and happiness.
When a photographer and a matchmaker meet, sparks fly as they navigate through a series of comical situations and unexpected romance. With a waterfront house, a dog, and a list of rules, their love story takes an unconventional turn.
Season's Greetings is a romantic comedy that follows the story of a female writer who falls in love with her new boss. With the holiday season in full swing, they navigate a workplace romance amidst greeting card creations, a mischievous Himalayan cat, and unexpected twists. Will love be the perfect gift this Christmas?
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