Higurashi: When They Cry (2006) is a suspenseful and brutal TV show that follows the story of a group of friends living in a village plagued by mysterious deaths. As they unravel the truth behind the gruesome murders, they find themselves trapped in a time loop, facing insanity and terror. With its macabre plot and psychological thrills, this anime is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts.
Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW (2020) follows a group of friends in the small town of Hinamizawa who become entangled in a series of gruesome murders and supernatural events. As they uncover the dark secrets of the town and its residents, they are trapped in a time loop, forced to relive the same terrifying events over and over again.
Early summer, Maebara Keiichi had just moved to a remote mountain village. As he becomes close friends with a group of girls, he was enjoying his life in the village. However, when he starts to become suspicious that Ryūgū Rena, Sonozaki Mion and the others that Keiichi trusted may be deeply involved in successive murders that occur every summer, the situation around Keiichi gradually starts to turn. As if the girls' characters had completely changed, a sewing needle is found in his food, he is chased by mysterious men, and is involved in an accident that could have killed him. He could no longer trust anyone, and then one mystery leads to another, bringing out a shockingly bloody ending.
An OAV related to the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series, known in English as "When They Cry". It is another re-telling of the terrible events occured in 1983 in the village of Hinamizawa and in particular of how the main characters dealt with the outbreak of a mysterious virus.
Early summer, Keiichi had just moved to a remote mountain village. As he becomes close friends with a group of girls, he was enjoying his life in the village. However when he starts to become suspicious that his friends may be deeply involved in successive murders that occur every summer, the situation around Keiichi gradually starts to turn into something more sinister.
Maebara Keiichi, a young teenager, has recently moved from the city to the rural village of Hinamizawa with his family. He is adjusting quite well to his new life, making friends at the small school, playing games, passing time in relative happiness, when suddenly a gruesome murder occurs. A mystery begins to unravel — tracing back to happenings five years ago. As Keiichi learns more about these strange events, he wonders if he will be able to face the truth behind all of this.
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