It's 1790 and British Naval Commander Redway is driven by greed for money and will stop at nothing to get it. His second in command, David Robinson, questions his allegiance when Redway kills his father and takes his brother prisoner. In order to save his brother and avenge his father's death David must join forces with a band of pirates, led by Captain Bernard, hunt down and kill Redway.
A LEGENDARY CLOAK. AN IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE. The Lost Mantle of Elijah - A Rollicking Fantasy Adventure Blast off on an epic quest for the legendary Mantle of Miracles in this exhilarating fantasy thriller! In a cursed world without fire, young Kai is entrusted with recovering the Lost Mantle of Elijah – a magical cloak rumoured to possess astounding powers. Dodging cutthroat pirates, warring tribes, and sinister sorcerers, Kai races to find the sacred relic before it falls into the wrong hands.
A young couple decides to sail around the world, hoping to get over the death of their young son. They set off in a used sailboat, whose previous owner had a fatal accident in the Bay of Biscay.
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