Luce follows the story of a high school student named Luce Edgar, who is the epitome of the perfect student- a star athlete and debater. However, when a teacher discovers something shocking about Luce's past, his perfect façade begins to crumble. As his adoptive parents grapple with the revelation, they are forced to question their belief in him and his place in society.
Candy Jar is a comedy-drama movie about a high school debate team dealing with various personal issues while preparing for an important competition. The story revolves around the rivalry between two teenage debaters, their interracial romance, and the guidance they receive from their debate coach. The movie explores themes of family, love, and ambition.
Wahyu (16 years old) has an extraordinary skill of football. He lives in Langitan village at the slope of Mount Bromo with his father, a warm drink vendor for the tourists around the volcanic site, and mother. In order to make his parents happy, Wahyu uses his football skill to become a freelance player, playing football for one village team after another with the help of his uncle, Hasan. Pak Darto, Wahyu’s father, really despises what Wahyu does.
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