Slam Dunk is a TV show about a delinquent student named Hanamichi Sakuragi, who joins the Shohoku High School basketball team in order to impress a girl. Despite his lack of basketball skills, Sakuragi's athleticism and passion for the game help him become a valuable player. Alongside his teammates, Sakuragi faces various challenges on and off the court as they strive to become the best in Japan.
Ahiru no Sora follows the story of Sora Kurumatani, a passionate and short high school student who joins the basketball club. Despite his height disadvantage and a club with no proper members, Sora dreams of reaching the top and leading his team to victory in a school tournament. With determination, hard work, and the support of his teammates, he faces various challenges both on and off the court.
Kuroko's Basketball follows the journey of Tetsuya Kuroko as he joins Seirin High School's basketball team. Despite his lackluster appearance and lack of basketball skills, Kuroko possesses a unique ability to pass the ball silently, making him an invaluable asset to the team. Together with his talented teammates, Kuroko aims to take on the top teams in Japan and become the best basketball player in the nation.
The Teiko Middle School basketball team, known as the 'Generation of Miracles,' dominated the basketball scene. However, their skills are put to the test when they face off against a talented American street basketball team called Jabberwock. The fate of Japanese basketball rests on their showdown, as the Generation of Miracles must find a way to defeat Jabberwock and prove their worth.
Follows teenager Xu Xingze, a passionate basketball player who aspires to join the Basketball Team of the regions top school after seeing their Star Player win the Final Four Tournament. When his sister accidentally enrolls him into a lesser school with a similar name, its up to Xu and his ragtag group of new friends to prove their worth and their skill on the Court against some of the top High School players in the Region.
During Hurricane Katrina, a high school basketball team and their coach face adversity and come together to win the state championship, bringing hope to their devastated community.
Set in 1962, a Marine fighter pilot, known as The Great Santini, clashes with his hot-tempered son, who just wants to fit in, in a small town in South Carolina. The father's tough-love approach and high expectations strain their relationship, while the son struggles to find his own identity and deal with the pressures of high school, basketball, and military life.
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