Home Improvement is a sitcom that revolves around Tim "The Toolman" Taylor, a handyman and the host of a fictional TV show called "Tool Time." He constantly gets into humorous and often disastrous situations both at home and on the show. The series focuses on Tim's relationships with his wife, sons, and neighbors, and explores themes of family, friendship, and the challenges of balancing work and family life.
The Oddity Archive is a web series that revolves around the "cultural dustbin", especially as it pertains to media. The Archive also functions as an actual archive of sorts, with a modest collection of off-air Betamax and VHS recordings (about 400 total as of June, 2014). There's also a decent collection of ephemeral video, "ripoff" and "drugstore" LP's/cassettes/8-tracks, as well as (working) obsolete technology.
Frank is a musician with a hidden face who joins a band, travels to a desert, and records an album. Along the way, he deals with mental problems, friendship, and identity.
After the death of his son, a contractor seeks revenge and uncovers a web of deception and betrayal within his own family.
Yukk is the ugliest dog that ever was, but he happens to belong to millionaire Brandon Brewster. Brandon uses his mighty machine to shrink in size but become super powered while his sidekick Yukk helps him through adventure after adventure.
A masked hero scales the walls of buildings and relieves burglars of the money or valuables they've stolen. He donates the stolen goods to charity and turns the criminals over to the authorities. An exotic dancer falls madly in love with this hero whose face she has never seen. But who is hiding behind the mask?
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