The House in Nightmare Park is a horror comedy film from 1973. The story revolves around a struggling actor who is invited to perform at an old dark mansion. However, things take a dark turn when he gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a creepy family of killers. As he tries to survive and solve the mystery, he discovers hidden diamonds and his true identity is revealed.
A former British Naval Officer now makes his living by smuggling goods around the Mediterranean. After being forced to dump his cargo after nearly being caught by the authorities in Malta, he is eager to recoup his losses. When a former colleague appears and tells a wild story about smuggling diamonds out of South West Africa, he sees his chance to make a lot of money....
Tom Mack falls in love with fashion designer Leila Linna. Romance develops, with a little diamond smuggling to keep things interesting.
Pekka Lipponen is trying to trace hidden diamonds before a group of bandits finds them. He enlists his friend Kalle-Kustaa Korkki to help him.
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