In this satirical comedy, an American naval officer stationed in London during World War II is assigned to accompany a famous, cowardly, womanizer film director to document the events leading up to D-Day. Along the way, he falls in love with a strong-willed British woman, making him question his own courage and values.
The Sun is a biographical drama that focuses on the life of Emperor Hirohito of Japan during World War II. The movie explores his inner conflicts, the decision-making process during the war, and the surrender of Japan to the Allied forces. It delves into his interactions with General Douglas MacArthur and his struggles within the palace. The story provides insights into the political and cultural atmosphere of Tokyo during that time.
During World War II, a group of American soldiers in Italy stumbles upon a crashed spaceship and discovers that it holds alien creatures. They must now fight both the Nazis and the aliens in order to survive.
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