In the year 2977, humanity has been oppressed by the Gaia Coalition, and a mysterious pirate captain named Harlock emerges to fight for freedom and justice. With his crew aboard the legendary spaceship Arcadia, Harlock wages a battle against the Coalition and its alien allies, seeking to liberate humanity and restore peace to the galaxy.
Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX is an animated television series created by Leiji Matsumoto. It's the sequel to the 1982 animated film Arcadia of My Youth. However, like many of the stories set in the Leijiverse, the continuity of the series does not necessarily agree with other Harlock series or films.
Captain Newman, M.D. is a comedy-drama set in an army hospital in Arizona during World War II. The film follows a military psychiatrist, Captain Josiah Newman, as he tries to help his patients with various mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, suicide attempts, and catatonic stupor. Despite the challenges, Captain Newman is determined to provide the best care for his patients and create a supportive environment.
In the future, Earth is occupied by alien forces. Captain Harlock, a legendary space pirate, leads a crew aboard his ship Arcadia to fight for freedom and liberty. With his skull-and-crossbones flag, Harlock battles against the oppressive regime and embarks on a journey to save humanity from destruction.
On an archaeological mission to the end of the known universe, Professor Daiba unwitting unleashes an ancient horror from its confines. Five years later the malevolent alien force sets in motion a plan which reunites the various crewmembers of the Arcadia to sail the stars once more as well as bring Tadashi Daiba to meet Harlock for the first time (again).
The story on Arcadia's mystery, on which the 13th television episode was based.
Harlock Saga is a six-part anime miniseries by Leiji Matsumoto. An adaptation of Das Rheingold, it tells the story of space pirate Captain Harlock and his crew as they try to stop a man who has stolen gold from the center of the galaxy and forged it into a powerful ring.
Morten, a ten-year-old boy, is shrunk to the size of an insect due to a magical fog gun. Soon, he finds himself on his makeshift model ship sailing through a flooded cafe.
The scene of action embraces Tangier, Toulon and the Mediterranean, where Pierre Fresnay, Rolf Wanka and Kim Peacock, cast as captains of French, German and English boats, respectively, unite to rescue the passengers of a neutral boat that is about to be engulfed in a cloud of poison smoke released by a smuggling ship.
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