In 'The Wrong Trousers,' a penguin named Feathers McGraw befriends an inventor named Wallace, but soon reveals his true intentions of stealing a valuable diamond. As Wallace's loyal dog Gromit tries to save the day, a hilarious and thrilling chase ensues, full of slapstick comedy and surreal moments. Can Wallace and Gromit overcome betrayal and rivalry to catch the cunning penguin?
Primal is a wild ride through the Amazon jungle as a group of armed guards transport a dangerous and deadly escaped killer to a ship. However, chaos ensues when they become prey to a variety of venomous snakes, deadly predators, and a cunning jaguar on the loose. With the lives of everyone on board at stake, they must navigate their way through the treacherous jungle and outsmart the killer in order to survive.
When a notorious outlaw gang arrives in the town of Table Rock, tension builds as the townspeople must rely on a reformed outlaw to protect them. As the outlaws threaten to take over the town, the lawman and the reformed outlaw must work together to maintain peace and protect the innocent.
In a country where police sirens are an everyday melody and survival is an ongoing struggle, we see superhero "wannabe" Albert and Peet step in and give us hope that there is people among us who will stand up and fight for the man on the street.
The wizards try to defeat enemies from another world.
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